Saturday, 2 January 2016

Ms. Batman

I'm continuing this after a few weeks of procrastinating!
I started this blog about Iman on how with the 4th child, I'm somewhat a pro in handling kids and sometimes, guiltily, I do take her for granted :(

Just last night as we 'facetimed' with Nadia, she complained that I had 'forgotten' her blog entry. Lol.
Don't take this personally, girl. It;s not you. It's me. I'm the plain and lazy one here! Besides , you're still with me everyday, right there in the next room :)

I have lots to talk about you too and don't worry, they're everything wonderful. So tonight I shall type on as mush as I can remember.

(The following blogging started more than 2 weeks ago!)

Ok. I've been a little lazy. The school holidays do that to me ;) During the school term,I don't have time to breathe and come the holidays I just laze like you can't imagine how lazy I can become. That and just eating!!!! Urgh..

I have to start this blog on the baby of the family. The one all the siblings know is the dad's fave. I know she knows it too; Miss Iman Zainudin bt. Zainudin. 

First thing's first, she was a really easy baby to care for. Maybe it's because when you have 3 little ones all wanting your attention (sometimes all at the same time!), you become quite a pro at handling a baby. Hahaha. But seriously, I can't remember Iman falling sick when she was a baby and in fact until today, she has hardly visited a doctor. Alhamdulillah.  

Always cheerful with minimal fuss, I must say without bias, she was an ideal baby! The only 'quirky' habit she had, well, not a habit really, but she only ate rice fried in tomato sauce EVERY DAY for 2 years maybe. Every day. It was really odd but as I said, when you have a few kids running around, each with different eating habits and wants, it was a relief when you didn't have to fuss with food for one of them. And that ONE was Iman! As long as she had her milk, I was fine with it. Hehehe. Terrible mum, huh?

Maybe because as the youngest, you're surrounded by your older siblings so you learned and picked up everything very quickly! If I'm not mistaken, you started to walk at 9months and started talking soon after. Probably you were dying to compete with Mr. Super Hyper Active Zaim and couldn't wait to zoom around the house or couldn't wait to join in the conversations with your sisters!

One thing I tell people about you is that you were such a happy and bubbly baby. You were also very cute with locks in your hair and a dimpled smile. You've matured into a very pretty young lady now and when I look at you I can't help but feel a little sad that my baby is a baby no more ;(

Iman is one unique young lady (now at the age of almost 17, you are indeed a young lady!) She is passionate towards the most unlikely interest for a young girl; Superheroes! More specifically, Batman. Yeap! To make her day, just give her anything Batman related and I assure you, you'll be her next BFF. My dad once actually gave her a Batman golf iron cover. So, that's her passions covered, golf and Batman.

Very unlike her 2 sisters, she has very little interest in the latest trends in fashion. Give her a pair of comfy jeans and a Batman t-shirt, she's fine. Those and Nike sneakers. Lol !
It's a good thing that she has lovely thick long locks and a dimpled smile so you can't mistake her for the girl she is :)

One trait of Iman that I admire is her ability to make friends easily. Just as she is bff with some of her girlfriends, she is also very comfortable in the company of boys. She'd give the boys a run for their money in any PS games, anytime anywhere! In fact, I found a recent incident quite hilarious; She was playing one of those latest 'shooting' games online with some boys and had 'slain' her opponents. One of the boys was annoyed with her and obviously a sore loser who lost many games against her, kept 'threatening' to ban her from continuing on with the game. Her response to him was, 'Oh, btw, I'm a girl.'
Ooh!! I'd love to see the look on his face then!

Iman is very close to her siblings. She and Zaim have a special connection with each other and share similar interests from the outdoors to playstations to her latest interest in golf. They're compatible in so many things and manner. Their wit especially. If you want a good laugh, sit with Iman (or Zaim) for an hour and you'll know what I mean. 

She also looks up to her sisters and what they say matter to her. Despite her tough exterior, she is one polite young lady, she is very respectful of others and it just warms me inside every time she kisses me goodnight or before she goes out anywhere. 

Her smile makes me smile,
Her laugh is just as infectious,
Her heart is pure and true
And above all, I love you

my dear darling Iman