Friday, 4 December 2015

Intro 1


Introduction entry.
Hi people! (not that I think many will actually read this! Lol )

Okay. That's not a flattering photo but that's all I have for now :)

I'm quite excited to start this blog. Finally! After a long time of contemplating and postponing then forgetting then thinking about it again. My girls are quite good at this blogging thing and I always thought I might be quite good at it too. I have so much to talk about and tell and everything's just jumbled up there somewhere in my grey matter. I feel like I should, you know, draft first and rearrange all these thoughts into more cohesive chapters of my life and I found that THAT was my problem. I finally decided, whaddefish! Just bulldoze and see how it goes. I know that my mind thinks faster than my fingers can type so that was part of the problem too. But I've been quite free (read: bored) of late and tadaa! this was born.

I personally think my kids will be quite mortified that I've started this business of blogging but on the other hand I've been told that I'm quite a funny and entertaining person so let's see if that can be translated on print, so bear with me. I'm still old school in that, I actually enjoy using the pen on paper so I'm still going to draft my 'topics' of future blogs. Hehehe.
For this entry and the next, it's going to be just aimless ramblings, like I'm talking to myself in the mirror (which I often do! - don't be scared, I'm not crazy. I hope)

Ok. will stop for a while. I KNOW I'll continue soon.

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