Friday, 11 December 2015


Ok, up next is Tania Zainudin binti Zainudin.

Well, to begin with, Miz T was a happy and healthy baby and didn't have the sniffles often, so visits to the paeds were few and far between. Phew!
I also think maybe, as you have more kids, you become less anxious or all 'jumpy' as soon as a child even as much as coughs or runs a fever! 
My husband used to joke about how our fridge was like a mini pharmacy that had all sorts of cold remedies and cough syrups etc. and how I was... Dr. Mama.
Tania also had a very good appetite when she was younger so that was a big relief. 
Mums out there will agree with me when I say that half the battle is won when a child eats without fuss! 
There was no need for those extra vitamin supplements like I used to give the others. So you can imagine how quite 'gebu' she was :) - She's going to hate me for this! Hehehe!

One distinct and unforgettable childhood (or a babyhood) memory I have of Tania was her quirky habit of wrapping her bottle with tissue every time she drank milk. EVERY time.
Even in the dark she could pull apart a 2-ply tissue carefully and wrap a sheet around her bottle! Odd little girl. Until today we don't know the reason behind that habit of hers.

Ooh but she was our little drama queen right from the start and she knew it! She wanted her way and hers only, else, she'd go all 'Hmmph!', fold her arms and put on a pouty sulky face! Don't get me wrong, she would be the sweetest little girl all smiley, dancing and singing and whatever, but rub her the wrong way and our little Miss DQ would, 'Hmmph!'
I was about the only one who was patient enough and could handle her tantrums and sometimes I think even a saint would lose his head with her when she got into one of her moods.

Thankfully she's outgrown these mood swings and is now one of the most independent, kindhearted , considerate and polite young lady I know. And I'm saying this not just because I'm her mama either! 

Tania, for as long as I can remember would always be with me wherever I went. Be it to the mall, kenduri, to my school or even to the wet market. She was the one who tugged at my skirt and held my hand each time, following me when I went some place or other. The moment she saw me get dressed up, she would be by the car, all ready!

Unlike Zaim, Tania actually liked school. Lol. I don't think she skipped school voluntarily as much as the other 2! She was active in both her academics and co-curricular activities and I know she took pride in the posts she held. I also know for sure that she was passionate about whatever work or task given to her, be it taking part in the Girl Guides marching squad or performing the duties as President of the school interact club. 

I have to say I admire Tania for her perseverance in achieving a goal. 

She worked hard as a leader of her Interact club and organised events after events from planning visits to Old Folks' Home to putting up a mini concert to organising annual dinner... she took charge and she was good at it! For a young girl to bravely call up corporate companies for sponsorship and creatively design advertisements to promote events and wonderfully run the shows, her successful efforts were short of amazing. 
And I'm not saying this just because I'm her mother! 

She has also never disappointed us with her academic achievements. She would quietly do her school work and attend her extra classes and just perform! 

Tania I must say, is also quite the planner. Nadia and I call her our 'travel agent' behind her back (Well, now she knows! Ah ha!) She's actually very good at planning a trip. From getting the best air fares to the best deals on accommodation to details of tourist sights even in countries she has never visited before!

After SPM, Tania worked part time to pay for her holiday in Europe (because she didn't want to burden us financially - bless her) and she managed to also give a treat to Nadia as they travelled together. She flew to London alone to meet up with her sister and from there the two of them took Barcelona and Paris by storm. (Is that right?)
Anyway, there was no stopping her. Recently, once again she planned a trip with Nadia to Korea coz the 2 of them had reached obsession level with the K-Pop culture! 
In fact, they're still really obsessed that they're both taking up the Korean language and I think they've watched all the Korean series there are!! Deybak!

Ever the fashionista, I won't go too much into how she is really a girly girl in the sense that she loves everything fashion related, she and Nadia both, are very particular of their appearances. Heaven forbids if a new zit appears on the face or if the jeans or tops don't fit well!
Both she and her sister would go the extra mile to make sure that they looked just right for the occasion; from the hair to the accessories to the matching outfits, handbag and shoes. A downright father's nightmare! Hahaha.

One thing I have to touch upon are her manners. I must say that this is one aspect of bringing up children I find so important and I know of some people who don't quite bother with it. Not to blow my own trumpet or anything but I get all warm and proud when people compliment my children's manners. Tania is no exception. Thank you and please come to her as naturally as saying out her own name. A friend once commented she was so surprised that Tania thanked me for breakfast at the mamak's one day. My friend said, 'Wow, Kak Liza, Tania actually thanked you just now!'

Oh by the way, a few years back, in a move to be healthier and to lose weight, Tania decided to abstain from eating rice. and she has gone one step further and have stopped junk food too from her diet. (Boo!) So, this makes it the 3rd or 4th year of not eating rice? or something like that. Now it's all about freshly blended juices, wholemeal breads, organic food, zumba, gyms....Talk about self-discipline. I wish I had 1/2 her mental strength to do that. Errr.

Well, I'm sure I'll think of more to write about Tania (and Nadia and Zaim) but it's 2.30a.m. now so I'll 'pen' off for the time being. It's been fun reminiscing the good old days and typing them down for record. Will definitely add on more, as and when I remember. Ciao for now!

You may hold my hand for only a little while, but you will hold my heart for a lifetime, my dear Tania.