Saturday, 5 December 2015

Intro: Part 2

Let's continue.

I was thinking in the car just now how vain it would be to just talk about myself and my life. Like, who cares, right? Then I thought again, hmmm, I'm doing this to just record my life and 'immortalise' it so that my grandchildren some day, would have an insight of the person I was. Sounds legit. To me at least. I'm definitely treating this as a diary coz I used to keep diaries when I was a young girl but have no idea where they are now.

I know my life is not THAT interesting. Far from it. I'm just a normal suburban mum who leads a normal life and who happens to be a teacher. How mundane is that?? But I do have all these jumbled up stories and thoughts in my head and I'm wondering if what I consider normal is not so, to others.

First thing's first, I really need to structure my ideas and thoughts otherwise it's going to be just a big mess of unrelated incidences and they would just sound like rants of a crazy person!

I actually drafted my ideas on paper (hahaha) and have come up with a rough outline of what I plan to blog about.

Firstly, a little narcissistic description of me!
Then, I plan to dedicate a piece each to all 4 of my kids (I can see you cringe, Nadia!)
Then, of course my college and university years. My kids would attest how vivid my memories are of the best 6 years of my life in the UK.
Then, maybe my own love story. Errr. Lol. But there IS a story there I believe.
Then, my life as a teacher since that is a HUGE part of my life. I mean, I've been in school since I was 7 ! What?? Serious.

Then maybe I'd describe unusual happenings as my days unfold before me.

Sounds like a plan.

Stay tuned.

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